
801 Washington Lofts

Location: Minneapolis - United States of America

Project type: 住宅 - 多户住宅(小区)


  • 61
801 Washington Lofts Residential access
801 Washington Lofts Residential access
801 Washington Lofts Residential access
801 Washington Lofts Residential access
801 Washington Lofts Residential access
801 Washington Lofts Residential access

“This was the first keyless project I have participated in and it went smoother than I thought possible. The project was completed efficiently and is of the highest quality….Overall, this was a fantastic experience and I look forward to bringing SALTO and Gittleman to every property I oversee.”

Jenna MazalFirstService Residential Association Manager, 801 Washington Lofts

Key benefits

"801 Washington Lofts recognized the challenges with managing mechanical keys. Gittleman consulted with the customer, surveyed the property and designed a complete system eliminating virtually all mechanical keys on site. Once mechanical keys were removed, residents quickly adopted digital credentials and simpler, more secure access."

Prestom GrutzmacherVertical Business Leader – Residential

The Salto technology solution provided at the project.