


SALTO - 新一代门禁控制解决方案的全球领导者,为各类学校,学院和大学提供专业领先的门禁安防方案。

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SALTO - 新一代门禁控制解决方案的全球领导者,为各类学校,学院和大学提供专业领先的门禁安防方案。
Education Flexibility & Scalability
Students & Staff experience
Education simplified management

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We provide solutions for any type application


Universidad de Santiago de Chile Santiago, Chile.

Universites de Toulouse Toulouse, France.

University College Dublin Dublin, Ireland.

Basque Culinary Center San Sebastian, Spain.

Lund university Lund, Sweden.

Abu Dhabi University ABU DHABI, undefined.

Oxford University Oxford, United Kingdom.

Deusto Bussines University San Sebastina, Bilbao, Madrid, Spain.

Universidad del Pais Vasco, UPV-EHU Basque Country, Spain.